Age estimation using your email address.

What is it?
Our email address age estimation solution can verify your age quickly whilst preserving your privacy.
How does it work?
We will use your email address to estimate your age and determine whether you’re 18+.
This is done by reviewing sites and apps where you’ve previously used this email address. If we are unable to estimate your age using your email address, you may be able to use alternative available methods such as ID scan or facial age estimation.
The solution is compliant with all data privacy requirements and your email address will not be used for any other purpose except to estimate your age. You will not receive any form of marketing communications and your email address will be deleted as soon as the age check is completed.
This method is the quickest and easiest way to verify your age online. It protects your privacy and does not discriminate by sex, skin tone, disability, or any other characteristic.

Why verify with your email address?

Most individuals already have email addresses and as such, this is a much quicker solution compared with sharing an identification document, for example.

Our solution is built around data minimisation, meaning only the minimum amount of data is utilised in order to return an age estimation result.

Inclusive and
without bias.
There is no discrimination by sex, skin tone, disability, or any other characteristic.
Get in touch.
Have questions? Let's chat.
We’re always on-hand to discuss age verification.